
…up two images of Topophobia, the one on the left to illustrate a show of works of the LondonTopophobia group, the more compelling one on the right from a website

Place Branding

…is a global space.” The Supposedly Complex Processes of Place Branding The aim of place branding is to differentiate somewhere from its competitors by creating and managing distinctive images of…

Home and Place

…homeland.”) Homelessness in different senses Roberto Dainotto in Place in literature: regions, cultures, communities (2000) cites a comment of Heidegger’s, who had observed a group of tourists in Greece: “Modern…

The Ecology of Place

…The Ecology of Place: Planning for Environment, Economy and the Community, Island Press Billick, I. and Price, M.V. (eds) 2010 The Ecology of Place: Contributions of Place-Based Research to Ecological…

A Place-Related Autobiography

…The street in Highland Creek in eastern Toronto where I lived in the 1980s. This suburban community had many self-built houses from the late 1940s and had grown up around…